Sunday, February 1, 2015

What are the steps to follow to create an essay?

The process of writing an essay depends on many variables, such as the previous knowledge on the topic, the access to specific information, the time available, etc. Therefore, we will only state the basic steps that can be followed:

1)    Revising the information: On the typical essay of an academic course we generally have some texts as sources. It is recommended first to do a general reading of the material. Afterwards, we should complete at least one method for processing the information: summary, synopsis, comparative chart, cards, etc.
2)    Ideas for the essay: As we review the information we should note down the ideas we get in relation to writing the essay. Attention! It is not necessary to worry about the syntax at this point; it is enough to write the necessary words to identify the idea. Once the reading is done, we go through the ideas we wrote down, choose those we want to develop and try to give them a discursive order.
3)    Creating a plan for the essay: Using our previous list, we write the plan of the essay, this way:
1.    Short enunciation of the problem
2.    Short enunciation of our hypothesis
3.    Short enunciation of the arguments

4)    Writing the essay: From the plan, we start writing the essay according to the structure indicated. To the extent possible, we should try to follow the plan firmly, to make the explanation ordered. However, we should keep in mind that during the writing some unexpected variations could emerge. Anyway, it is recommended not to loose the discursive thread.
The same way, we recommend not to consult the bibliographical sources during the first draft of the essay, because this often prevents the emergence of our own ideas. Afterwards, when revising the written essay we can have a look on the texts and even turn to new literature, in order to confirm the data, add citations without exaggerating, and consider other arguments.

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